You Really Ought to Know Where Your Food Comes From

The reality of feed at animal factories equivalent to Garbage in Garbage Out … This article is a chilling retell of what is legal to feed animals we ultimately eat. It starts out with this idealic scene:

“When many Americans think of farm animals, they picture cattle munching grass on rolling pastures, chickens pecking on the ground outside of picturesque red barns, and pigs gobbling down food at the trough. “

BTW, this description fits the Johnson Ranch to a “T” (minus the pigs part though)

Then proceeds to detail what foodstuffs are usually fed. It’s interesting reading.

Making Hay in the Sunshine

This has been an extroadinary year for grass growing. We’ve been making hay as much as the weather will permit. And when it is dry for a few days, we get busy. This is my brother Steve coming through with the wheel rake and making windrows. You cut it one day and let it dry for a day or two. Then you rake it into windrows in preparation for baling.

This particular hay pasture is across this creek. So I wanted you to see the baler being towed through the creek.

Now the baler kicks into gear. It’s really an amazing piece of machinery. It sucks up all the grass and starts a roll spinning and keeps adding hay to it until it’s a giant cylinder weighing about 1200 to 1500 lbs. When it’s fully formed, the alarm sounds and then you stop to let it wrap up with twine. Then you’re ready to eject the roll and start again.

Here comes the finished product out the back of the baler. It’s a marvel of engineering this baler.
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Grassfed Beef is Best

Naval Air Museum Pensacola

We took a quick trip down to Pensacola, FL this past summer to pick up a van. People told us we needed to see the Naval Air Museum down there. We are glad we listened.

They have lots (and lots) of incredible airplane and helicopter exhibits there. The kids can climb inside and imagine themselves as fighter pilots.

Outside the museum was an actual aircraft just recently mothballed. Wow!

And here’s an current Blue Angels aircraft on display. We didn’t have nearly enough time at this museum.
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Grassfed Beef is Best

The Ridge Trail at Snowbird, UT

It’s been at least 3 hours of hiking. I am spent but have enough energy to snap some pix of Diane’s Dad and Katie. We are the last of the hikers to make it up the mountain.

We’re trying to make it up there to the very top where you can see the Tram arriving. The Ridge Trail is about this narrow for a good portion of the time with steep, deathly cliffs on each side. Hiking is one thing, but to imagine people skiing on this is scary.

Proof positive that at least we were by a sign that said Ridge Trail!
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Grassfed Beef is Best

This was the view from our room. Spectacular! We would go hiking in those mountains the next day.

Robbie and Peter (and all of us) started out fresh, but it’s a difficult climb.

I was amazed that Diane’s father joined us. He didn’t know if he would go all the way up to the top. It’s a rigorous climb for most folks going up 3000 feet in elevation (from 8000 to 11000) in a 5 mile hike. Diane’s dad is 76 years old but set the pace at least for me and Katie. We hiked up the Ridge Trail, which offers spectacular vistas at every turn. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Here we are at the top!
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Grassfed Beef is Best

Cows Doing Greens and Fairway Maintenance

Speaking of the golf course, I forgot we had the herd turned out down here. They’re doing an excellent job of keeping it mowed and fertilized. They’re prefer the new tender growth to the tall grass (it’s too woody — really I’ve tasted both myself and I agree with them). They like to eat mowed grass too.

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Grassfed Beef is Best