Grass Fed Dairy Products — Real Milk

Diane and I are in Pennsylvania this weekend. We came here with the idea that we’d look at some Haflinger horses and we’d attend a convention on grass fed dairy. We didn’t tell the family we would be looking at horses since it might come into play on Christmas. But, as it turns out, we spent almost no time looking for horses (we did hook up with Ben Godfrey and he says he may have what we’re looking for), because we couldn’t pull ourselves away from the grass fed dairy conference. My goodness this is exciting stuff. There are about 200 grass farmers in attendance at this conference and we’re hearing from a panel of speakers on all things grass fed.

Allan Nation, the Editor of the Stockman GrassFarmer magazine was the host of the conference and spoke first. He spoke on seasonal milk production. He gave an interesting talk on farming methods used successfully in the past. Here’s some interesting facts about the typical American farm in 1916 we learned from Mr. Nation:

80% had dairy cows as the centerpiece
67% sold farmstead butter as their primary product

A lot of good information from Allan. Time well spent for sure.

Today we are listening to Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation which operates the website at I’m starting to understand why people are so passionate about raw milk. We have been enjoying our own raw milk for a year now since we have our own dairy cow as we have talked about extensively on this blog. We have also been enjoying free range eggs as you know. And of course we eat grass-fed meat. But according to Sally Fallon, raw milk from cows eating green grass and meat (fatty meat) from grass fed animals and wild fish from unpolluted waters is absolutely critical to good health.

This has been an eye-opening conference for us. We’ll have to look at horses later!
Grassfed Beef is Best

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