One of our goals for the year 2005 was to get a milk cow. Well a few weeks before Christmas we went to visit the Godfrey’s down in Bryan, TX to look at a horse for Russell and we found not only the horse we were looking for but this sweet Jersey cow. We decided she’d be a great Christmas present for Rebecca. The cow’s name is Sugar.
We got some instruction when we picked her up, but then it came time to milk her ourselves. We struggled for a while, but got the hang of it eventually.
Robbie and Peter look on hoping to get in there and participate.
Russell has been one of the better milkers.
Everyone that comes for a visit gets a chance to milk her. She’s so patient with all the different inexperienced handlers. Here, Adam Jones is getting some milk to flow. Adam is a frequent milker.
Sugar gives us about 2 gallons milking her once a day in the mornings. She makes about a pint of heavy cream. We drink it unpasteurized and unhomogenized. We do drink it cold. Man is it good!
Lacey get’s her chance to shine.
Jacquie is enjoying her opportunity.
Grassfed Beef is Best