Waxahachie Christmas Parade 2005

We did participate in the Waxahachie Christmas parade this year. We took Sky and Sapphire and the wagonette and plenty of family. That was a blast. If Katie had been home by then, we could have used this for our Christmas letter picture.

We’re at the staging area getting ready. It wasn’t easy finding a place to park with the 40 ft. horse trailer which was towing the 16 footer all towed by the Dodge Dually, but obviously we made it. Ryan and Rebecca are harnessing the horses in preparation for the parade. Of course, it took us about 2 hours just to get them bright and shiny white like this.

Russell and Rebecca hook them up to the wagonette.

Can you see these jingle bells? We got these in the day before the parade. Surprisingly, they make a very joyful noise. We got these from Jim and Katie Dingman of the Lignite Carriage Company in Fredonia, WI. They make a wonderful product and they’re great to work with. But you gotta see the bells Diane got for me from them for Christmas: That’s a whole ‘nother level.

Once all the prep work (that I’ve feverishly slaved at photgraphing), I climb up into the driver’s seat.

We met our friends the Corbrans at the parade. That’s Rebecca with Katie (the Corsicana Central Quarterhorse Association English High Point champion for 2005 — we just call her “Champ”). Notice the fine belt buckle. I think Katie and Rebecca were neck and neck in that competition and Katie won it at the wire. Good job Katie! Katie’s dad Wally is looking on.

We’re out on the parade route now. I’ve got Robbie and Russell up front with me and a full load of family and cousins and Grandma and a few Aunts and Uncles in the back. My goodness!

I didn’t get any more pics than this. It takes way too much concentration to be messing around with a camera :-)

The parade wasn’t without incident. It’s nerve-wracking driving a rig like that with these huge animals pulling it. Hauling the rig to the parade route with two trailers in two and about 80 total feet of equipment rolling down the freeway was nothing in comparison. The animals behaved so well. There were times when the route took us through some narrow streets with people stacked 3 and four deep watching and making all kinds of noises and flashing their cameras. Once when we were going up a hill and then stopped, I stepped on the brake and didn’t feel it stopping well enough so I stepped even harder. Well, next thing I know, the brake pedal gave way and it was pedal to the medal, but not in a good way. Yikes!

Thank goodness the horses are so well mannered and didn’t panic, or that could have been some trouble. They just stood there and bore the load and stayed right with the parade. All in all, it was great fun.

Grassfed Beef is Best

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